A lot of factors can contribute to soiling and damage of artwork that most people never think of. Fading caused from light sources, burns and halos from highly acidic materials that are in contact with the art (like cardboard and masking tape), and even humidity and air pollution (like cigarette smoke). It's because of these reasons that we only offer UV glazing, acid free materials, and conservation grade framing.
Fortunately, we work with some really great conservators who know how to work magic. I call it magic because I have seen them do some really amazing things with artwork. Just take a look at these incredible before and after photos of a recently restored painting. This piece had accumulated a layer of grime and endured some water damage. We learned that this piece had been hung in a house that was very close to a body of water, which may have been what caused it.
A lot of work went into making several subtle changes to create a huge difference in the overall appearance of the painting. For starters, notice the difference in color of the shawl, especially the bright pink flower in the lower right-hand side of the restored piece. The whites appear much brighter and you can even now see the rosey color in her cheeks. This was primarily a result of the grime removal. Many details are now more visible, like the gentle waves in her hair.
There were also paint losses that were filled in and repaired. See the little white spot at the very bottom of the first photo, just a little right of the center.
Finally, take a look at the drastic reduction of the wrinkle in the top right corner. Further work could have been done to eliminate it entirely, but this would have involved removing the painting from it's stretcher and several more hours of labor which was not originally budgeted for in this particular case.
This is just one of the many things that have come through the shop for repair. If you have something that you are considering having restored, bring it to Chelsea Frames for a free quote and consultation.